What up, Daggers.
Etnies Skatercon 7 on October 15th, 2022 was a huge success for Dagger Skateboards, we sold out of almost all of our T’s, decks, and accessories, much thanks! The park was coated in Dagger stickers by the end of the day. If you found a sticker on your car, blame the youth, but Do Not Remove It.
Special thanks to Bella, and Amanda, who worked the booth, way to rock it!
Bella at the booth.
Hundreds of collectors showed to buy merchandise, and get boards signed by the riders. Andy Roy ( @andyroy18 ) emceed with comical commentary, and it was much appreciated.
Here are some highlights of what went down, we’re featuring some riders who are not with Dagger because we skate with them.
Nick Hughes - @skaternick_4lyfe - DAGGER
Cody Class - @mrramen_skate - DAGGER
Bennett Harada - @bennettharada - SMA

The Fuckin’ Gadoys, Since We Were Kids, and Urethane
played sets in the street course while the riders took flight, and Bryce Wettstein sang The Runaways song "Cherry Bomb" when it switched to Punk Rock Karaoke.
@brycewettstein - Punk Rock Karaoke Star - STEREO
The day ended with rain, thunder, and lightning closing the event at 6 PM.
Dagger Chapters have no opinion on outside issues, we allow each member their own beliefs, with the understanding that those beliefs are not to be forced onto others. Anyone who enjoys action sports can be a Dagger, regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation.
More good news, we have added Dagger Chapter 8 aka
DC8-BrisbaneAUS, here’s what their organizer Damo (insta contact:
@daggersbrisbane ) has to say about DC8:
“We all get together to skate, (both) young, and old, mostly on weekends, and have being doing so collectively for two years. We gather at local skateparks, and D.I.Y spots, helping to improve each other's skateboarding, and personal lives with tenacity, and respect, always holding the dagger code dear. All of us prefer bowls, and ramps. On the full pipe, hunt always”
Check out DC8's OG B&W photos:
Dagger Chapter 8 @daggersbrisbane
The punk rock attitude with that punk rock togetherness in the group photo is priceless. Welcome Dagger Chapter 8, you are much appreciated back at headquarters!
More great news, all Dagger Chapter Members get a promo code specific to their Chapter/Region to offset shipping costs, the Promo Code will be provided to Chapter organizers, and be passed along. The discount varies in proportion to domestic vs. international rates, and the city must match the code for discounts to be accepted.
Team Rider Bio:
James Azpeitia - @ james_azpeitia07
James at Skatercon 7 - Etnies Skatepark 10/15/2022
Home Skatepark: Upland Pipeline
Motto: 100% Upland Badlander, Born and Raised
Favorite song: Sublime/ Doing Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yT8RsCarJA
Also identifies as: Surfer, Hunter, Fisherman
Contest Stats:
15 1st Place finishes, 2 2nd place finishes, 2 3rd finishes, and 1 4th place finish
2021 C.A.S.L. 1st Place Overall Awards Winner at National Championship
Favorite skateboarder: My Dad!
James at Whittier Skatepark Oct. 2022
Article by Clint Allisone
Photos - Dave Weems / Caden Browning / Damian Devine